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Frankfurter Bethmännchen » The History (english)

Since one and a half century they are in everybody’s mouth:
„Bethmännchen“ the original speciallity of Frankfurt am Main and its environment.
Since one and a half century the manufacturing and the form has never been changed.
They are made of Marzipan which is rolled like a little ball and decorated with tree half almonds. At the time they are well known and well liked in the whole world.

The History of the Bethmännchen is long and famous.
It began -as the name tells- in the house of the banker’s family Bethmann. 1838 there was a big lunch and they served a new sweet cookie, formed in style of the family, decorated with four almonds representing the four sons : Moritz, Karl, Alexander and Heinrich. When Heinrich died in 1845 they used only three almonds.

The Bethmännchen became well known over the frontiers of the free city of Frankfurt am Main in the year of 1863. During the meeting of the German dukes and kings, called „Fürstentag „, there was a soiree at the Villa Ariane, the lodge of the Bethmann – family behind the Friedberg gate and so the landlord served the new pastry to Emperor Franz – Joseph of Austria, 24 Dukes and Kings and four Lord mayors of the free cities, Hamburg, Bremen, Lübeck and Frankfurt a. M..

Many Enthronizations and exhibitions made the special pastry become a royal appetizer.

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Konditoren – Innung Rhein – Main